青岛双桃精细化工(集团)有限公司 Qingdao Double-Peach Specialty Chemicals (Group)Co.,Ltd

青岛双桃精细化工(集团)有限公司 Qingdao Double-Peach Specialty Chemicals (Group)Co.,Ltd


青岛双桃精细化工(集团)有限公司 Qingdao Double-Peach Specialty Chemicals (Group)Co.,Ltd(图1)

    青岛双桃精细化工(集团)有限公司,迄今已有90多年的历史,是中国化学染料工业的先驱。青岛市高新技术企业,青岛市清洁生产审核达标企业,全国将校尉服装用染料定点企业,国家安全标准化企业,全国信息化500强企业,全国“五一”劳动奖状获得者,多次荣获全国优秀思想政治工作企业称号。 公司是生产染料及化工产品的技术密集型的精细化工企业,技术力量雄厚,先后主持和参与制定了2个国家标准,7个行业标准。主要产品有分散染料、中性染料、尤丽特染料、弱酸性染料、碱性染料、冰染染料、溶剂染料、皮革喷涂染料、毛用活性染料、助剂、苯胺黑系列产品、乙酰乙酰芳胺系列产品、砒唑酮系列产品等十几个大类,100多个品种,其中中性染料、苯胺黑、碱性紫、大红色基G全国产销量第一,“双桃”为青岛市、山东省著名商标, 产品销往全国各地及欧、亚、美等20多个国家和地区。 






    With a history of more than 90 years, we, Qingdao Double-Peach Specialty Chemicals (Group)Co.,Ltd, is one of the leading manufacturers in China dyestuff and chemical industry. We received the honor as Qingdao high-tech company, Qingdao clean production company, Designated enterprise for dyes of PLA officer uniform etc.

    As a technology intensive company in producing dyestuff and specialty chemicals, we had participated in making 2 national standards and 7 industry standards. Our main products include disperse dye, neutral dye, neuter dyes , nigrosine, basic dyes, azoic dyes, solvent dyes, polar dye, reactive dyes, leather dyes, arylies, pyrazolones and auxiliaries. Under "DOUBLE-PEACH" brand, our products are well recognized and accepted by customers across China and exported to more than 20 countries abroad. Currently we hold the No. 1 market share position for neutral dyes, aniline black, basic violet and fast scarlet g base in domestic market.

    Certified by the ISO9001 and managed with the K/3 ERP SYSTEM and CRM customer resources system, we enforce strict quality control to make sure all products we offer meet customer's needs

    The R&D center passed the verification as the Municipal Technology Center in 2004. From 2001, our R&D center has developed more than 150 new items. Among them, 40 products filled in the gap in China dye industry and 20 products was regarded as the Qingdao High-Tech products.

    To make sure the sustainable development, we are paying great attention to the environmental protection. With daily treatment of 2500MT effluent, we are among the first factories who got the pollutant emission certificate in Qingdao.

    In recent years, we have entered a period of high speed development. With a double digital annual sale volume increase, we now rank top 7 producers in China dye industry.

    According to the Qingdao government policy of "environmental protection and development around the bay", we are now investing RMB1.6 billion in building a production base in Pindu Chemical Zone. In June, 2012, the first project of 82,000 MT intermediates has come to production. A brand new and more prosperous Double-Peach is now ahead of us.
