江苏华跃纺织新材料科技股份有限公司Jiangsu Huayue Textile New Material Technology Co., Ltd.,

 江苏华跃纺织新材料科技股份有限公司,是一家专业从事研发生产功能性高性能新材料及国际贸易一体的技术企业。主导产品有聚四氟乙烯(PTFE,60-1000g/㎡)环保滤料基布及配套的聚四氟乙烯高技术纤维(长丝、短纤)、磨料磨具砂带基布,屏蔽多频谱ABC级面料、阻燃耐火 1100℃机织和非织造等功能性面料。


  公司与西南大学、东华大学、苏州大学、西安工程大学、盐城工学院、湖南工程学院等国内知名高校,建立了产学研合作关系。先后承担了科技部火炬计划、创新基金项目、江苏省科技前瞻计划等,开展了可降解砂带基布、多功能防护材料的柔性技术及产业化等行业带有方向性的课题研究。公司十分重视自主知识产权保护,现有自主研发授权 PCT 专利2件、发明专利7件、实用新型专利 28件,省级高新技术产品4只。牵头起草制定并颁布实施砂带基布行业标准(FZ/T-64074-2019)。


江苏华跃纺织新材料科技股份有限公司Jiangsu Huayue Textile New Material Technology Co., Ltd., (图1)

Jiangsu Huayue Textile New Material Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2012, is located in the Textile Industrial Park, Dagang Town, Yancheng National High-tech Zone. The leading products include abrasive belt base cloth, PTFE environmental filter base cloth, and PTFE high-tech fiber (filament, staple fiber) supporting the filter material industry chain. Base cloth products. The annual output of abrasive belt base cloth is 15 million square meters; the annual output of filter material base cloth is 5 million square meters, the annual production capacity of supporting polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) high-tech fiber is 600 tons, and the target production capacity is 1,200 tons.

Pay attention to the construction of R&D platform. The company has been recognized as a national high-tech enterprise, a national technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise, and a private technology-based enterprise in Jiangsu Province. It has established a research and development base for abrasive belt base cloth products in China, and a workstation for academician Zhou Xiang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (cooperation in 2020) End), Jiangsu Province Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene and Derivatives Engineering Technology Research Center, Yancheng Abrasive Belt Base Fabric Engineering Technology Research Center, Yancheng Abrasive Belt Base Fabric Engineering Technology Research Center, Yancheng Polytetrafluoroethylene Waste Recycling and Utilize Engineering Technology Research Center.

Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. It has independent research and development authorized 2 PCT patents, 3 invention patents, 18 utility model patents, 4 provincial high-tech products, 6 new technology and new products, and 3 municipal science and technology progress awards. Undertake the Torch Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Innovation Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and the Science and Technology Foresight Program of Jiangsu Province. Take the lead in drafting, formulating and promulgating the industry standard for abrasive belt base cloth (FZ/T-64074-2019).

Improve the level of corporate management. Passed ISO9001 quality management system, ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system, occupational health and safety management system and national intellectual property management system certification. It is the governing unit of China Industrial Textile Industry Association and the standing director unit of Coated Abrasives Industry Branch of China Machine Tool Association.

Speed up product transformation and upgrading. The company has transformed from a traditional textile industry to a new material field, focusing on various abrasive belt base fabrics and aramid, PTFE, PPS, PI, P84 basalt flame-retardant fabrics, shielding tent clothing fabrics, air force training clothing fabrics, and environmental protection filtration The research and development, production and industrialization of bag base fabrics, anti-mold and anti-cracking fabrics for walls, medical protective clothing, anti-biochemical clothing, hoods and fabrics are committed to becoming a leader in the new textile material industry.



Email Address:



Dagang Textile Industrial Park, Yandu District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province
