深圳市玉井精密五金有限公司Yujing Precision Co., Ltd.

玉井精密有限公司成立于 2002 年,拥有厂房面积 13380m² 的现代 企业。 专业制造铜,铝,铁,不锈钢, 合成树脂及各种材质的长短轴, 滚花轴,铆钉,螺母等精密非标车削件,各种高端整机的车削件等。产品广泛应用于打印机,复印机,ATM机,通讯设备,汽车,医疗,点击, 钟表,灯饰,玩具等。

深圳市玉井精密五金有限公司Yujing Precision Co., Ltd. (图1)

公司以“质量第一,客户至上,优质服务,诚实守信,不断进取,开拓创新”的经营理念;“通过改善全过程的品质管理,给客户提供(放心),(满意)的产品”为质量方针。并获得了IATF16949认证、ISO9001/14001 国际体系认证及环境体系认证。
公司拥有日本制 CNC车床,走芯机,走刀机,全自动铣面机全自动无芯磨床,二次加工及检测仪器等先进生产设备。为客户不断加工制造和按时交货提供了有效保证。
公司拥有专业的人力资源和多年工作经验的技术人员,配以科学的 管理,完善的品质控制系统。使我们信心十足为客户提供优质的产品和 全面性服务,并能为客户提供技术支持和技术支援,协助客户解决遇到 的特殊问题。
玉井团队本着“专注,精益求精”信念,不断追求卓越品质;不断创新与改进,致力于精密五金行业的发展。努力打造行业中的诚信与知 名度,使更多的客户为玉井称赞和信赖。

Yujing Precision Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 and has a modern enterprise with a factory area of 13380m². Specializing in the manufacture of copper, aluminum, iron, stainless steel, synthetic resin and various materials of long and short shafts, knurled shafts, rivets, nuts and other precision non-turned parts, all kinds of high-end machine turning parts. The products are widely used in printers, copiers, ATMs, communication equipment, automobiles, medical, touch, clocks, lighting, toys, etc.

The company takes "quality first, customer first, quality service, honesty and trustworthiness, continuous progress, pioneering and innovative" business philosophy; "through improved quality management throughout the process, to provide customers with (reassuring), (satisfied) products" policy. And obtained the IATF16949 certification, ISO9001/14001 international system certification and environmental system certification.

The company has advanced production equipment such as CNC lathes, core walking machines, cutting machines, fully automatic surface milling machines, fully automatic coreless grinders, secondary processing and testing instruments made in Japan. It provides effective guarantee for customers' continuous processing and on-time delivery.

The company has professional human resources and technical staff with many years of work experience, coupled with scientific management and perfect quality control system. Makes us confident to provide customers with high-quality products and comprehensive services, and can provide customers with technical support and technical support to help customers solve special problems encountered...
