苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司Suzhou Cheersson Precision Metal Forming Co., Ltd.

苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司,2012年3月在苏州高新区浒关工业园成立;2020年3月,公司在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市,股票简称:瑞玛精密,股票代码:002976。 公司定位于精密智能制造,是汽车、移动通讯、新能源等领域的专精特新企业,主营业务为前述领域产品的精密模具、精密结构件及汽车空气悬挂系统、移动通讯设备的研发、制造及销售。公司现拥有控股公司10余家,在苏州高新区、苏州工业园区、广州市黄埔区、湖南省永州市、墨西哥克雷塔罗市、英国考文垂市等拥有生产基地,业务覆盖亚洲、欧洲和美洲等国家及地区。公司通过聚焦数字化转型、“5G+工业互联网”助力产业升级,打造先进智能制造模式,实现管理精益化、制造智能化的目标,致力于成为全球工业领域优秀的零部件及系统产品制造商,铸就以“CHEERSSON®”为代表的全球工业领域专业性品牌。

苏州瑞玛精密工业股份有限公司Suzhou Cheersson Precision Metal Forming Co., Ltd. (图1)

公司主营业务客户涵盖汽车、移动通讯、新能源等领域。 汽车领域:(1)精密零部件产品:主要包括精密冲压件与紧固件,精密冲压件产品包括:汽车安全系统、汽车底盘系统、汽车电子、车载娱乐系统等部件;紧固件产品包括:异形紧固件、压铆紧固。(2)座椅舒适系统部件与小总成系统产品:主要包括座椅加热、通风、按摩、支撑等小总成系统,部件包括相关电控系统ECU、座椅线束、电动座椅专用开关、座椅感应器SBR、汽车座椅有刷/无刷电机,方向盘加热和触摸感应部件、座椅调节指纹识别用部件等。(3)空气悬挂系统产品:包括空气悬挂系统总成与核心子系统及部件,广泛应用于商用车与乘用车的前装、改装和售后维修以及工业领域,产品包括ECU系统(电子控制单元硬件+软件)橡胶皮囊、空气弹箦/空气支柱、悬架前后排导向管柱、减震传感器、电控空气悬架系统ECAS、空气压缩机、AvS产品及工业用空气波纹管等,同时具备丰富的系统设计、调教和测试经验。 新能源领域:储能电池及动力电池用电池壳、盖板、正负极连接片等精密零部件及小总成系统产品。 移动通讯领域:通讯设备用精密零部件、滤波器、天线等。

CHEERSSON was established in March 2012 in Xuguan Industrial Park, Suzhou High-tech Zone. In March 2020, the company was officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The stock abbreviation is CHEERSSON and the stock code is 002976.

The company is positioned in precision intelligent manufacturing, is a specialized precision enterprise in the field of automotive, mobile communication, new energy, etc. The main business is the research and development, manufacturing and sales of precision moulds, precision structural parts and automotive air suspension systems, mobile communication equipment for products in the aforementioned fields. The company now has more than 10 holding companies and production bases in Suzhou High-tech Zone, Suzhou Industrial Park, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, Querétaro, Mexico and Coventry, UK, with business covering countries and regions in Asia, Europe and America. By focusing on digital transformation, "5G+industrial internet" to help upgrade the industry, creating advanced intelligent manufacturing model, achieving the goal of lean management and intelligent manufacturing, the company is committed to become an excellent manufacturer of components and system products in the global industrial field, forging the " CHEERSSON®" as the representative of global industrial professional brand.

The company's main business customers cover the automotive, mobile communications, new energy and other fields.

In the automotive field: (1) precision parts products: mainly including precision stamping parts and fasteners, precision stamping parts include: automotive safety system, automotive chassis system, automotive electronics, in-car entertainment system and other components; fastening parts products include: shaped fasteners, riveting fastening. (2) Seat comfort system components and small assembly system products: mainly including seat heating, ventilation, massage, support and other small assembly systems, components including the relevant electronic control system ECU, seat wiring harness, electric seat special switch, seat sensor SBR, car seat brush/brushless motor, steering wheel heating and touch sensor components, seat adjustment fingerprint identification components, etc. (3) Air suspension system products: including air suspension system assemblies and core subsystems and components, widely used in commercial vehicles and passenger cars for front-mounting, retrofitting and after-sales maintenance, as well as industrial fields, products include ECU systems (electronic control unit hardware + software) rubber bladders, air reed/air struts, front and rear suspension guide tubes, damping sensors, electronically controlled air suspension system ECAS Air compressors, AvS products and industrial air bellows, etc., as well as extensive experience in system design, tuning and testing.

New energy field: precision parts and small assembly system products such as battery cases, covers, positive and negative connecting plates for energy storage and power batteries.

Mobile communication field: precision parts for communication equipment, filters, antennas, etc.

Add:No. 28, Huchen Road, Huguan Industrial Park,
High-tech Zone, Suzhou, China
